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Mews journey through post amp/cancer

Hello all,

I’m updating just in case anyone else has a similar issue. After my vet and I ruled out food allergies and switched her clay litter to silica gel litter, we started her on gabapentin to rule out phantom limb pain and medicated pads to wipe the foot area in case it was a yeast infection. After about a month, Mew was finally starting to leave her foot alone!

I stopped the pads, then after stopped the gabapentin and she’s continued to leave her foot alone! Which makes me think perhaps something got stuck in between her toes, the licking made her get an infection, which in turn made the itchiness worse. I will be watching her closely but for now I’m happy she’s better and Mew is happy she is cone-free! Finally!

Posted by on June 5th, 2021 at 3:48 pm

4 Responses to “Foot Update!”
  1. 1
      benny55 says:

    So glad to hear Mew’s pad is healed! Good for you for persevering and getting this handled!

    • 3
        bluemoon says:

      Thanks so much!

  2. 5
      jerry says:

    WOW that is TERRIFIC! What were the pads you used?

    • 7
        bluemoon says:

      Thanks jerry! The pads were DOUXO Chlorhexidine 3% PS pads